Google Translate is the Best

Although I am easily amused by a great many things, not many things have amused me so greatly in a very long while.

I think I spent 20 minutes having it read this box of fish cookies & laughing hysterically LOL.
(That’s literally what this post is about haha - so just a warning. But for my fellow friends who are similarly inclined, I present to you my top picks! And btw, they were pretty tasty!)

Erin Shimazu Photography Fish Cookie Translation6a.jpg


So descriptive!! And yet…..not Lol

So descriptive!! And yet…..not Lol

The side of the cookie box was notably more moody than the front ~

The mochi looks so suspicious XD

The mochi looks so suspicious XD

Erin Shimazu Photography Fish Cookie Translation4.jpg

Is it bad when a cookie feels sorry for you o_o? Something tells me that it is LOL

Mmmmmm….remnant bread.

Mmmmmm….remnant bread.

Erin Shimazu Photography Fish Cookie Translation9.PNG


And then I think the cookies finally got tired of me laughing at them XD



“What is it?”

What is it?”

Haha I still really feel like I don’t know…..!!!

Thank you Google Translate, not for necessarily improving my intellect, but for bringing me joy.
May we always be in a secret car together. Side-by-side.
~ e \m/

Erin Shimazu Photography Fish Cookie Translation10.PNG